
IKeyLay t1_j478jeb wrote

I’m not against better public transportation systems and I think they would help. But I also think that is a completely different conversation from the OP. Better transportation is a passive way to tackle the issue by making it easier to go get drunk somewhere besides home.Lowering the blood alcohol limit is a direct way to tackle the issue by lowering the allowed threshold creating more direct consequences. I know people who got DUIs because they only had one or two drinks and thought they were under the limit. If the limit is more difficult to stay under then less people will try and more people will be held accountable when caught

Kind of like how no one should commit murder so we make it illegal with no wiggle room to create direct consequences. People are more likely to do the right thing when there are direct consequences and not just more access to make the right decision.


IKeyLay t1_j46wvix wrote

A lot of things bother me in terms of the government lacking but regardless of that I think drunk driving is not excusable. This whole thread is people talking about how public transportation is the reason people drive drunk but I think it’s lack of education. Only stupid people drink and drive :)


IKeyLay t1_j444m2n wrote

I’m not wishing they were better. I’m saying I agree with lowering the limit and increasing the punishment. I think it’s stupid all the time and needs consequences. Pretending it’s anyone else fault is a waste of time in my opinion.

People tend to do the right thing when not doing so has real life consequences. Kinda reminds me of the video I saw where a guy was standing on the curb near a puddle and people drove through and splashed him. But when he was holding a brick in his hand then people drove around the puddle to avoid splashing him


IKeyLay t1_j443vy7 wrote

Yeah but driving yourself while drunk is almost never the only option(very very rare and circumstantial). If it is the only option then your own choices brought you there and not the lack of public transportation. Just because the odds of an accident are lower from less cars on the road doesn’t mean it’s a reasonable thing to do.


IKeyLay t1_j443g07 wrote

It could be argued that people are less likely to “risk it” when the limit is lower. I have seen people convince themselves that they are fine even if they get pulled over cuz they only had a couple drinks. If the limit is lower then people might rethink their ability to stay under the limit and try to drive anyway


IKeyLay t1_j440fnp wrote

“It’s like they set you up to fail” drinking and driving is 100% a choice that shouldn’t be blamed on anyone but the driver. There is never a situation where you would HAVE to drink and then drive. I get your reasoning on why it would be nice but you are only setting yourself up to fail if you can’t figure out how to go out without drinking and driving. Nobody else is to blame at all
