
IKnowWhoYouAreGuy t1_j5x9e5v wrote

With sample return, you're talking about a craft Pringles can trying to carry enough fuel to return to Earth, let alone trying to locate and synchronize with the ISS, which is the size of a house moving at thousands of miles per second (depending on your perspective). Its much easier to hit the earth-sized object than attempt to throw a baseball at a moving car from millions of miles away...


IKnowWhoYouAreGuy t1_j5px33f wrote

Answer: Your question is a bit of a misnomer in itself and your coworker doesn't seem to understand thermodynamics - The real question is why the center of the oven is warmer than the outsides of the oven, which yes, is partially due to convection (the movement of the fluid in the oven circulating away heat as it travels) and the design of the oven (where latent 'pools' of fluid allow heat to build up), but is mostly due to the fact that the fluid being circulated is AIR which is an insulator due to the nature of the gas composition and it being in gaseous form. Air insulates regardless of its velocity, but as father Bernoulli taught us, the faster it moves under constant pressure, the less entropy is able to pool into measurable heat. For this oven, it makes sense that the outsides would be cooler than the insides, since the whole point of an oven is to concentrate high heat within a container that won't combust. There are other issues at play such as the difference conductivity and radiation constants of different elements, but that's another reason why oven's are constructed with materials that melt far above the safety limits, such as sand/acrylics. You can measure this yourself by going into a temperature controlled environment (read: "in-doors") and touch a wooden surface, then touch a metal surface, noting that the metal surface will always seem cooler to the touch because metal is a poor insulator and will emit heat calories to entropy at a much greater rate than wood, which is carbon-based and has evolved to literally be pockets of air at the molecular level.


IKnowWhoYouAreGuy t1_iusuy8g wrote

I don't know about you being an autistic person, I know about you being wrong. Fix yourself and be better. Don't lay your mistakes on your handicap, you are in an opinionated battle and on the losing side here. Tea. Tea. Tea. Tea. Tea. Get it through your head and avoid uncomfortable situations like this in the future. Be as pedantic as you like, but at the end of the day you are wrong and no amount of crying is going to pivot the focus to your handicap from your wrongness. If you need to do ten minutes of mental gymnastics when someone asks you if you'd like a glass of tea, you have much bigger problems than autism.

Edit- also, "be that as it may" is you saying I'm right. Just accept the L and move on. No one is perfect and change is growth. Time for you to grow.


IKnowWhoYouAreGuy t1_iushf73 wrote

If you are so versed in language, you should learn what you are: a pedant. Dumbness is only cured through learning. Do you feel that your behavior has changed as a result of action or experiences here? Good. Be less of a pedant and people won't "insult you" for being a pedant, because after all, it's the right word for it, despite most people would have colloquially termed you an idiot or worse. That's your point, right? Just want to be sure you're pedantic about the right thing here...


IKnowWhoYouAreGuy t1_iusby1f wrote

So you're upset that your original language is not the default one? Sounds pretty nationalist to me. To put things in perspective here, you're very very wrong, so wrong that my argument isn't 'against you', it's against your draconian definition for something that has existed for millenia before you and you're too pee-brained to understand that you aren't angry with me, you're angry that you need subtitles to live in the world. Time to retire...


IKnowWhoYouAreGuy t1_ius5sv3 wrote

You know, I just reread your comment, because you're the least smart person I've interacted with today and I wanted to be sure I wasn't being too harsh, but no, you're just plain dumb wrong. The internet existing does not destroy culture or history. What kind of asinine position is it that now that everyone is able to share information that your information is no longer relevant? You must be a nationalist. Go put on your MAGA hat an enjoy your chamomile tea


IKnowWhoYouAreGuy t1_ius4zzi wrote

The British would like to speak with you on sharing their opinion on what does and does not constitute tea. You need to read a book and rejoin society. Tea, the plant, versus tea, the product of a process. You approach colloquialisms with all the tact of a psychopath, so you should really just get over yourself to understand that no, you're wrong and need to just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

EDIT -hey, read a book https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea


IKnowWhoYouAreGuy t1_ius3awx wrote

Okay, The British. Welcome to the rest of the world. Tea, such as lavender or chamomile tea, contains no caffeine. Tea, the infusion of steeping plants in water, as opposed to the tea plant, of which there are many varieties, most of which do not contain caffeine. Read a book.
