INFJ_in_NYC t1_j8mu1rm wrote

I was stabbed in the face on the 2 train platform at 3rd Ave 149th street. Random woman sat next to me, squeezed into a seat she couldn't fit. Started elbowing me in my ribs. I politely asked her to stop, she got up, called me a fat bitch (I was chubby at the time) and then started harassing me. She stood over me, having her Duane reade bag hit my legs. I asked her to stop, she told me it was because the train was moving. I flung the bag down the subway car and told her to leave me the fuck alone. Everyone stared. She picked up the bag, started muttering shit and digging through her purse. I was going to call the cops after 3rd Ave (because the train goes outdoors then). Doors open at 3rd Ave, she tries to take my bookbag and run off the train. I grab the other end and she attempted to sucker punch me on the platform. I beat the shit out of her. I remember being on the ground next to the train just punching her and her screaming "stop you're hurting mešŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø". Then I hear people screaming I was stabbed. With adrenaline I didn't feel anything but saw the blood pouring down. I got off her and grabbed my face while trying to follow her and gather my stuff. She managed to escape and slip through the NYPD cameras. EMS was upstairs and I was transported to Lincoln hospital. Received 6 stitches on my cheek and a tetanus shot.

This was 11 years ago. I took metro north ever since then. Before I left NYC on Feb 1 of this year, I carried a hunting knife with the hook to take out entrails and a sock with rusted truck bolts.

I've had men masturbate looking at me, 3 weeks ago caught a guy filming me on the 7 train. I've had men threaten me because I asked him to not push me. On metro north (new Haven line) in January I had a drug addict threaten to kill me in front of the MTA police because I had to use the bathroom and got the conductor because she was hiding in there to avoid her fare.

Oh I also had a woman on metro north (before the pandemic, when they had quiet cars) follow me threatening to kill me because I asked her to move to a non quiet car to have her phone conversation. She kept following me after we got off the train until I went directly to the police standing next to the escalators and she backed off.

I'm so fucking happy I left that hellhole and no longer have to worry about my life being snuffed out by crazies.


INFJ_in_NYC t1_j79h8bq wrote

It will actually be confusing to the pro-vax, pro-migrant crowd. They are the ones that wanted "abti-vaxxers" kicked out of society, celebrated them losing their jobs because they are "selfish anti science right wingers and killing grandma" and "you need vaccines to go to school so getting the COVID vax shouldn't be an issue"

So these migrants aren't vaccinated, UH OH! Will they use that same anger and hatred towards them???


INFJ_in_NYC t1_j726yc4 wrote

I left Wednesday and I'm so happy. Moved to the Midwest (I'm a black woman ) and everyone so far is kind and welcoming and friendly. Even on the plane from LGA the flight crew and passengers were nice. I drove all day yesterday and saw 1 police car. There are no homeless, no druggies, no graffiti, no trash, no sketchness, no fart cars, no vendors on sidewalks like a third world market, no loud music. It's diverse and there are immigrants here. I'm not in bumfuck middle of no where either, it's a city area. Hell I even went to the bathroom and it said "men" "women", it's been a long time since I've seen that. What I notice the most is how free people are. No government controlling every single aspect of their lives. People are trusted to do the right thing and they do. Even in the "poor areas" it's nice. Crime happens but it's between people that know each other already.

I voted for Zeldin and was clearly outvoted. As a born and bred new Yorker I saw the writing on the wall. I was born in 1980 but remember how Sketchy NYC was when I was a kid and how it got better and was amazing in the 2000's. Then DeBlasio got in and the slide into the abyss happened.

I'm still on this sub to see what's happening because I still have to return for oncology anniversaries and my friends and loved ones live here. But I will never ever ever move back. NY and north east has been destroyed.

All I ask is if you move, please leave your garbage attitude where you came from. Leave your shit ideas where you came from. I won't tell people which state I moved to because it's nice and it's free and I want it to stay that way.


INFJ_in_NYC t1_j725aev wrote

I'm a black woman . I was in NJ in October looking for a dress for a wedding (not too far from Paramus). Anyways there were some older white people on an overpass with a sign saying abolish the GOP. I walked up and asked what this was all about. They listed their talking points : abortion (btw they started talking to me like a child because they assumed since I'm black I'm not intelligent to understand these big discussions). I said I think people are more concerned with crime and inflation. They asked me if I was republican. I told them I vote based upon issues not party. This made them very mad. One guy came up, got in my face and told me "I wasn't black" because I don't support either party. I wish I was lying. I have it on video.

People in the north east have lost their fucking minds. Team red team blue no independent thinking, no uniting on issues that affect our quality of life, no discussion about ideas and why someone would think a certain way. To be told to my face I'm not black, as you are looking at me, because I say I vote on issues, you are crazy.

This is why I moved out of NY on Weds. I'm in the Midwest and so far, people treat me like a respectable woman. No in your face political dogma, just people living their lives. Yesterday I spent all day driving around. I only saw 1 police car, all day. The streets are clean, no graffiti, trash, homeless, druggies, political signs, depressed looking people, none of that. People here are happy and friendly and it's diverse. Talking to folks they said when they visited NY everyone was mean and it was very dirty.