
ISnortBees t1_ixlhc0u wrote

We’ll get a similar result under our current form of capitalism, everything will get owned by the four to six biggest corporations - and they won’t even have to pay their artists 0.6 cents every time their song is streamed. We’ll have a Marvel AI and a DC comics AI, which will put out the same content but darker.

Maybe some enterprising porn company will pay for the license to use famous celebrities faces in their deepfakes. Eventually we’ll work our way to having ads play in our dreams. Totalitarian regimes at least result in some of their art being subversive. Commercialism allows for art to exist freely but then hollows it out until you associate something you once loved with garbage. How many beloved shows and movies from the past get rebooted for a quick buck? Pretty much all of them. And the resources it takes to make modern adaptations of those classics means they go through chokepoints in the entertainment industry, which means they pass through political filters, which is why almost every piece of art today shares a similar political message


ISnortBees t1_itx885n wrote

It’s actually Pacific Island and MENA countries that are close to us (by BMI). What the US has in common with these places is an abundance of low-quality food. Most of Europe and East Asia is much thinner and have similar levels of development. For cultural and regulatory reasons, food is of higher quality. On an anecdotal level, when I traveled abroad, I noticed how much cheaper it was to get decent meals eating out.


ISnortBees t1_iqxpb04 wrote

Maybe not starving (which literally means dying because of lack of food), but suffering from some form of malnutrition. Protein malnutrition is important, as a lot of cereal crops cannot provide a person with a complete amino acid profile and micronutrients if relied on to the extent they are in poorer countries.