I_PUNT_BABIES_75 t1_j53vnmf wrote

Yeah the difference between the rest of the population and politicians is that the rest of the population doesn’t make decisions for the group that will effect all of us. And they don’t have money (paid for by taxes) to hire experts to give them dumbed down versions of it. Politicians do and need to listen to experts. They need to have more tech experts in DC that they will actually listen to.


I_PUNT_BABIES_75 t1_j52o8m9 wrote

Aside from companies doing the heavy lifting over the fed for the advances US politicians genuinely know next to nothing about technology.

Remember the hearings where those morons interviewed social media heads, and Ted Cruz obviously not knowing what an algorithm is. Not bump that up to quantum computers they have no idea what they’re in for. China on the other hands actually listens to their tech and science experts and have put their money in the right place imo