
Iannelli t1_j1hzu5r wrote

Not the person you asked, but I've seen The Expanse described as "hard" sci-fi. It's heavy on space technology, warfare, flight mechanics, things like that. A bit grim and dark at times.

Overall, The Expanse is the single greatest piece of sci-fi that I've ever personally seen. The show is so. Fucking. Good. It's hard to even explain it. The writing, the filming, the pacing, the way they shoot scenes... it's just a marvel to witness.


Iannelli t1_ixw0ubt wrote

Nah, stop spreading misinformation. Lesson #1 of toxicology is that "the dose makes the poison."

Use a Teflon-coated pan properly and it's completely fine. That means use plastic utensils, don't scratch the surface, and don't expose the pan to extremely high heat, especially without any food on it.

Don't fear monger. Teflon-coated pans have their place in every kitchen.