
Ickyhouse t1_jaeimnv wrote

Echoing what others have already said: spend less.

The people that pay off that much that quick have cut back A LOT. Like, never going out to eat, basic vacations, cheap(ie-free) entertainment, inexpensive hobbies and living well below their means. It’s awesome to have done it, but it takes a ton of discipline.


Ickyhouse t1_jaaptfj wrote

I wouldn't consider taking out of 401k.

You need $2500. You have $1k in an emergency fund. This is an emergency and the entire reason you have an E-fund. Use it. Now you need $1500. The extra $700 towards the CC debt now goes there too. Pay only the minimum now. So you are down to needing $800 for this repair. Now is where the other members need to help chip in. This is their home too, they need to contribute something. Being retired is not an excuse. They need to have budgeted for emergencies just like you. You shouldn't have to cover their lack of planning.

That said, if they still don't contribute, you pick up whatever extra work you can. Everyone needs to cut back and work together to get that last $800. As an additional bit of help, many trades don't ask for $100% of the money up front (and shouldn't). So you can probably work it out to pay part now and then the rest once the job finishes. That does buy some time.