
IfTheGloveFits t1_jeae1vg wrote

>Ya'll are in an abusive relationship with audio gear. You keep buying and buying and buying, even if it fails. Then, you just post a pic of it.

Speak for yourself pal. I'm not the one who blind bought 3 of the same item. And as /u/MachineTeaching mentioned, have you tried to get those fixed? Must be under the warranty period at least. I understand wanting to vent but why not try to get it repaired/replaced/refunded.

>That is it. Just wanted to shout into the void and probably get attacked by some angry kids that cannot handle the truth of their favourite brand being shit or whatever.

Maybe divert some of this anger toward the manufacturer/reseller and try to get them to fix your broken shit? Just food for thought.


IfTheGloveFits t1_j9ou7up wrote

I wouldn't believe it either if I didn't hear the difference when I put one on top of my vinyl record while it was playing! The veil was lifted and I started hearing residual infrasound frequencies from the birth of the known (and unknown) universe!! Now sure, I could be biased but even my wife could hear the difference from three air tight nuclear blast doors away!!!


IfTheGloveFits t1_j9o2o1c wrote

>Though, my problem here is putting them in my ears feels like going under water and I hear everything that touches the cable or my chewing and breathing very loud.

This is pretty much how it is supposed to feel like. It is a side effect of the isolation from external noise you get from IEMs plugging your ears. I got used to it pretty quickly but obviously different people have different tolerances.

>On another note: my ears also screemed in pain from active noise cancelling and I cannot find anyone else who experienced this. Maybe my ears are strange.

Yeah I'm very sensitive to the active noise cancellation hiss as well.


IfTheGloveFits t1_j8kkuov wrote

Coming up on a year since I last bought audio equipment(desktop dac-amp). I'm probably done for a while. My go to is still moondrop aria. Maybe I'd purchase a headphone if I were in a less noisy place but that doesn't seem on the cards.

These days, I keep tabs on new releases only to recommend (cheap) stuff to friends and family. Or to know what to replace my current hardware with if it ends up breaking.


IfTheGloveFits t1_j1v3csl wrote

Having a headphone jack on your device doesn't automatically kill your bluetooth connection to your favourite wireless device. Having both on your device doesn't impede improvement to wireless technologies. It was a trojan horse because it was presented as an either or scenario. That you were getting something new or better in exchange for the loss of the headphone jack when that's just not true. Same with the longevity and repairability of TWS earbuds in exchange for the convenience of no wires. It is possible to make a product which fulfills both criteria yet it's being presented as an either or once again.


IfTheGloveFits t1_j1upeyn wrote

The popularity, convenience or (eventual) quality of wireless audio is not the thing in question. It's a sugar coated poison pill, a false choice. Same as trojan horsing non user replaceable batteries via water resistance in phones or removing headphone jacks from devices to create and grow the TWS market. It's not an either/or.