
Ifch317 t1_jc7hvts wrote

You know how you can ask ChatGPT to tell you a story about a pirate, a tortoise and a golden bowl in the Shakespearean English? Imagine all media (music, movies, advertisement etc.) created by AI in a voice that always supports the existing political order.

"FutureChatGPT, please make a song about how power grid failures in Texas are caused by trans child abuse and make it sound like ZZ Top."


Ifch317 t1_ja3jq4w wrote

One of the big lies that Hitler told was that German leaders stabbed Germany in the back, and the treaty of Versailles was a betrayal of the country. This was a point of view that was very appealing in Munich , but may have had only minority appeal in Berlin or Hamburg or other cities. National Socialists were successful in winning over the nation because they were first successful in Munich. The subsequent march to power of the Nazis is unique and absolutely unpredictable - it was not fated because of the depression or because of the treaty of Versailles. It was accomplished by turning a toe-hold into a foot hold and eventually turning a fire at the Reichstag into a cause for a power grab, then consolidating power by a night of murdering potential threats etc etc etc.