
IllHospital6475 t1_j2e4zbf wrote

I think I get what you are saying but I still find it difficult to say that Ukraine is protecting other countries in any sense. I'm not sure what would happen if Russia invaded Poland. NATO would step in but I'm not so sure Ukraine would and I wouldn't ever hold that against them because consequences for them would be most likely tragic.


IllHospital6475 t1_j2e3y70 wrote

Yes sure... Because it wasn't NATO who gave them all the intel needed to defend themselves. I'm not saying that Ukrainians did nothing to defend themselves because it is obvious that they have paid ultimate price in tens of thousands. However, as sad as it might be it is the science and money that wins wars. Better tech and more of it is what will win this war and hopefully it will end with some people in the prison for life... Preferably in Ukrainian prison.


IllHospital6475 t1_j2dqine wrote

Take it easy man. Ukraine was a troubled country before the war. Just like Poland was 30 years ago. I don't think Ukraine is protecting Europe or rest of the world. Europe would do just fine fighting against Putin's army. The only reason why Ukraine is still in the game is the West. Just to make it clear, I hate this situation and hope it will be over soon will Ukraine regaining all their lands and Putin alongside his comrades in prison. Just don't make Ukraine look like they are heroes and defenders of the world... Because they aren't. They are defenders and heroes of their country. That's it. Everyone is supporting that. Take for example Poland and their health services which are now supporting 4,000,000 Ukrainian women and children? Are they not hero's to Ukraine? That is 10% increase in population in few weeks.
