
IlllIllIllIllIlllllI t1_j9jl6ju wrote

No one is forced to leave their community. I’m of course defining force as violent government aggression or threat thereof. But of course that’s precisely the force you WOULD need to prevent gentrification and force people from moving.

It’s morally abhorrent under virtually any philosophical framework.


IlllIllIllIllIlllllI t1_j9jkwjs wrote

The most fair answer civilized society has some up with in the modern era is money. Which seems a lot more impartial than racist ideals about keeping certain people out to preserve “culture” or whatever


IlllIllIllIllIlllllI t1_j9jkj6a wrote

Saying that certain people belong in certain places and have “their” neighborhoods vs the “other” neighborhoods is deeply problematic. It’s the same rationalization that whites used when complaining about people of color moving into their neighborhoods.

No one has any right to a certain space. If others are willing to pay more than you to live somewhere, you have precisely zero moral ground to live there instead of them. Complains of gentrification largely boil down to racist qualms of having diverse spaces. Opponents of gentrification are, more often than not, trash people with thinly coated racist beliefs who hide behind dog whistles of “preserving their culture” and “maintaining community.”