
ImJustSo t1_j1hsjfv wrote

It's insane. They're just men, that's the fucked up part. People just killing other normal people. Acting as if it's normal. Then others behind them also acting as if it's normal.

There is nothing different from me or another dude just because a chick gets me hard and a dude gets him hard. There's nothing different from me or another dude just because his wife gets him hard, but not me.

Because it's totally fuckin normal to be attracted to things that others aren't and vice versa. An unattractive woman is just as attractive to me as any man.

Yet if that were somehow different and I felt exactly all the same things, but for men instead, how the fuck should I deserve to die for that? IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME. I would be the same person and what would be different is the people I choose.

What a crazy fucking stupid backwards puritanical dip shit fuckin world.


ImJustSo t1_iv0xq4z wrote

Well, I'd like to point out the culpability of corporations as well...

Unchecked and unregulated corporations. They're "producers" of carnage and consumers of the planet to feed their profits. Nestle? Enron? Gazprom?

Corporations (and entire industries) give those "hyperconsumers" the means to consume their product.

The oil/auto industry murdered early public transportation and early EVs. If these leaches on society hadn't set up shop and pillaged the planet, then the United States would have passenger trains and bus access to every inch of the country without anymore impact than your neighbor and his neighbor and hers.

What about Nestle? Bottling water and selling it back to the people the steal it out from under?

I don't think people should be driving around real life Tonka trucks to their 9-5 jobs, but I don't think they should even exist in the first place. It's murder.