
Impossible_Tax_1532 t1_j26phnq wrote

Robots lack awareness no ? Lack intuition and brings in its gut making dopamine and oxytocin no ? Is the computer conscious ? As that’s in our energy body and wave form , I’d also say absolutely not . Does a robot have a physical body that is wicked smart ? What about that energy body ? Does it have neurons in its heart and mouth , the trillions of knowings from sensory perception? Are they connected to other things in the universe ? Or is a robot just intellect ? Which is fairly useless and has what so far ? Managed to screw up 4 % of the known universe ? Acting ignorant to the 96 % as brains like robots are unconscious and can only compare and compete to “ know “ anything at all … intellect and thinking ,leading to more useless thinking of problems ,and solutions , that cause more problems and thinking… I mean name a single issue on this planet that is not a result of human egos and compulsive thinking ? And it solves what these days ? We happier ? Having deeper relationships ? Or failing generational promises 5 decades running , turning this place into an ashtray and ending the bulk of other life forms for pride and pleasure and comfort ? I mean , this is a duality , there is an equivalent cause and effect for EVERY action from a carbon based life form on this rock … simply ignoring the crushing blows of using tech to numb senses and hide from reality in made up worlds of the brain is self destructive and suicide by any measure … turning into wall -e people as is , and most so unconscious they no longer can discern from their imagination and reality ,and why it ever mainstreams that some robot programmed with infinite useless human intellect can pass for life ,only if you project you flawed , incomplete , and weak mental framework into the bot … it will never love or learn wisdom , and to allow them to function , outside of natural law is ignorant beyond measure … AI COULD easily be directed to serve us, but it’s only as positive as it’s coders ,and people drunk on ego thinking this is a competiton of a life … when what can be won ? Proven to another human being in this life ? So we make competitive robots ,and it’s lunacy … in the end , there are 30 volcanoes that could wipe all human life , all our little toys , any sign that we were here in an instant with a sneeze … that energy is behind all live on this planet ,all food , all weather , materials for computers , and on and on … and their is zero source energy in intellect , it can create nothing, only distort what is ,and that same energy that runs and governs this planet , is obviously absent in machines … every single decision a human being ever makes is actually made on vibe , and vibe alone … so how on earth are these Legit questions ? Zero disrespect , this is not my opinion , I can provide science , data , facts , logic to stand up any point made .. as the reality is , if you even THINk it’s possible or close or ever will , you are trapped decoding reality in a brain ,and projecting your emotions and ideas into the machine … factually it’s dead , always will be , and will never be 1 % of what a human being actually is …. Just not the best look for us these days , as most people are officially a collection of abstract ideas with no center , no purpose , no clue who they are , where they are , why they are … and our pathology makes it so easy to pimp us into various degrees of mind control … granted most people are more like AIs these days , all charm , no sign of life , but please show some hubris for the universe and the energy that brought this all forward … it’s a wildly ridiculous notion , and spits in the face of humanity and actual natural laws that govern our lives . Again , happy to avoid that whole bit where what I say is ignored factually , and steps get skipped to attack me , act like a damn fool and speak for me as if anybody knows me …. As I’m not really concerned about what anybody thinks , how could I be ? I’m talking about what is ,and you can accept truth , or trigger yourself and act like I did it , push truth away to preserve your fear , comfort , and tepid views lacking any real truth .


Impossible_Tax_1532 t1_j1u8u6v wrote

How does any model show a trajectory or momentum allowing for 300 years more of human life on this planet ? I’m not platform holder , but facts are facts , world and planet morph into an ash tray at warp speed , 70 % of life gone , we wage war on ourselves and others as most unable to discern between prime reality and made up worlds inside their head …. The planet will be just fine , but what resource in the natural world , which provides for all food ,life , and even tech .. what are we not rapidly running out of .. bees can’t make it 300 years , oceans can’t make it 25 years at this rate … bees and migratory birds at well least then 50 % wiped out .. there are a dozen animals in the ocean if they die , we will follow , same for the animals in the pollination cycle , and this is apart from no country on earth fully accepting how tragic the state and their controls are ,wars over who has the littlest dick continue to jump off , and schuman proved in 1951 we can’t exist outside it’s resonance , so take your pick of bezos and musk on full retard mode , or acting like we are , so it’s here or death on top of mounting trajectories that don’t seem to be avoidable … any one of two dozen volcanoes Carries ample magma to alleviate thousands of years of engineering and wipe any sign of us from the planet in a flash … as soon we we accept we are a part of that energy ,and quit trying to control it like morons or Demi gods , things get better. But we must quit taking and acting like this is not a dualistic world with a hidden cost for all we do


Impossible_Tax_1532 t1_j1dkw0g wrote

The fallacy is in the question… linear time is not real , it’s a man made construct … so in actuality , only our hubris confirms our bias .. the scientific community will only claim 4 % of the known universe at this part .. fearing consciousness discussion and acting as if dark energy and dark matter are the unknown mysterious things … but who TF makes a 4 on a test and stands up and starts making declarations ? It’s just human nature , we have to kind of find a starting point , cling to it , but it’s hardly possible , as for 103-104 years now we have known time is merely a perspective .