
Impressive_Bus11 t1_jefb1m1 wrote

If they're not paying the district a commensurate rate for those services, they could be opening themselves up to Title IX liability unintentionally.

I'm not a lawyer but as others have, including at least one lawyer, I would recommend you get a lawyer with experience in this area because they will know all the things or know which things to look at to find the things they don't know things about.

There's a lot of things. Get a lawyer.


Impressive_Bus11 t1_jdndcup wrote

There is no official language in the US. I would be shocked if most of the states who have one aren't Red states. For people who love murica and the constitution so much, they're generally happy to get rid of our traditions and rights as long as it serves their bigotry.

The US not having an official language is symbolic of our "melting pot" status.


Impressive_Bus11 t1_jddkcz4 wrote

NYC is self-described as a "City of Neighbourhoods" (

Youre not describing anything about pittsburgh that's not true for literally any major city on this planet. Name one homogeneous major/big city.

You'll find the same is true for Philly, LA, all of them. It's perhaps arguable that this is more pronounced for East Coast cities than West Coast because of their historic nature, but it's true for every City. Pittsburgh is unique in a lot of ways, but this isn't one of them.


Impressive_Bus11 t1_j2to6bl wrote

I stopped using the turnpike at the start of the pandemic when they implemented the "new" job killing technology that saves the commonwealth potentially millions in labour costs by automating the entire process, and then charged MORE if you don't have an EZ pass because of "increased processing costs" of a fully automated system that eliminated thousands of decent paying jobs.

Instead of getting rid of the antiquated, unnecessary EZ pass.

I'll use the toll road again when they tell me which officials have money invested in the company that makes the EZ pass transponders.

The state ha so far dodged 2 FOIA requests regarding the turnpike, each claiming the other department is responsible for responding to the request. If any lawyers wanna sue the state for answers, hit me up.

I'd love for them to provide evidence that this automatic system costs them more than thousands of workings manually taking toll payments.