
IncidentalIncidence t1_iycum5u wrote

because the new deal also included revenue sharing on ticket and jersey sales. Before, that money was going straight to USSF; now, the players get a cut of every ticket and jersey that USSF sells. Which means that the players are incentivized to promote the team more (good for USSF), the men are getting a whole new revenue stream that they weren't before, and the women are getting paid equally in the revenue sharing agreement. Everybody wins.


IncidentalIncidence t1_isby4ul wrote

>Of course it's higher, it's incredibly difficult for an American to immigrate anywhere within Schengen while any educated German would be welcome to the US and could enjoy a decent standard of living due to their high salary.

literally none of this is true. Schengen visas for Americans are pretty easy to get.

Hell, you can literally get a student visa to study in Germany for 300 euros a semester.

The requirements for Americans for Schengen visas aren't any different than they are for everyone else in the world (and more easily attainable for Americans than a lot of other countries in terms of higher education and work experience).

Conversely, it's a lot harder to immigrate to the US as a European, either for education or for work -- universities cost tens of thousands for foreign students, and H1-B jobs (skilled worker visas) are much more limited than the analog Schengen visas.

edit: replied and blocked? NICE

>You have no idea of what you're talking about but keep dreaming

I literally am an American holder of a Schengen residence permit you absolute muppet

>I live you have to literally prove to the ministry of labour that no candidate from the entire Schengen area could be found to fill your job application to let an American in.

You have to do that for every visa-sponsoring job in every country ever. You have to do that for all foreign (or in the Schengen area, non-EU) workers who don't already have a work permit; it has nothing to do with Americans. (And US companies also have to do that when they hire Europeans)

The difference being the Schengen countries give out a lot more of those permits than the US does H1-Bs, which are capped by law and decided by a lottery.

>Sure you can get in on a student visa but you'll have to leave after graduating so I wouldn't call that immigrating as you can't stay.

Having a degree from a German university lowers the requirements you need to get a permanent residence permit, lowers the requirements you need to apply for German citizenship, and grants you a grace period to stay in the country while you look for a job after you graduate.

The whole point of the freely available student visas is to encourage immigration.

>But given that you think living in a corrupt shithole without basic human decency is great I'd advice you stay there.

lmfao, cope more


IncidentalIncidence t1_isa63b6 wrote

lol. you fucking people will believe anything as long as as it confirms what you think you know.

Fine, you have no data. Let's look at the actual numbers.

If you download the 2021 County Health Data from UW Madison (which is aggregated from the National Center for Health Statistics' Mortality Files), you can count how many counties have a homicide rate of 0.

Here's the download page:

in "2021 County Health Rankings Data - v1.xlsx" we can go to the table "Additional Measure Data", and look at collumn FY. There we can see how many counties were had homicide rates that were 0 or statistically insignificant (which we know from the documentation means less than 10 homicides in total over the 7-year time period that was used to for the average). if we put in a formula =COUNT(FY1:FY3195), it spits out our answer: 1351 of the 3195 counties in the survey had a homicide rate that was either 0 or too low to be statistically representative.


IncidentalIncidence t1_is74s4b wrote

I highly doubt that, since crime in the US is highly concentrated into very specific geographical areas. Not to go full Fox News, but there's that stat they love to pull out that "removing the top 5% of most dangerous US counties would drop the US murder rate to 2.5/100k".

There are a lot of counties in the US that have homicide rates of 0/100k.