IndicationHumble7886 t1_jcvswn1 wrote
Reply to comment by BeKind_BeTheChange in Putin Signs Law Punishing Mercenaries' Critics With Jail by aaaronbrown
So is Putin. His war is an abomination, his mercenaries can't fight for shit and Putin is destroying his own country with delusions.
IndicationHumble7886 t1_jaa5lxi wrote
Reply to comment by thieh in Conservative News Corp. empire says hackers were inside its network for 2 years by DoremusJessup
Cue file drop in 3...2...1
IndicationHumble7886 t1_iufn60d wrote
Reply to comment by fluffyykitty69 in Online age-verification system could create ‘honeypot’ of personal data and pornography-viewing habits, privacy groups warn by Lakerlion
Ill take another look
IndicationHumble7886 t1_iufajz5 wrote
Reply to comment by tms10000 in Online age-verification system could create ‘honeypot’ of personal data and pornography-viewing habits, privacy groups warn by Lakerlion
Well work for someone, im not aware of a android for kids or apple for kids OS.
End of the day kids are gonna find a way to access any number of things online. My daughter was playing on a talking tom app the other day and i realized she was being played ads for a fucking gambling website. Its fucked up. I mean she has the device for games but thats supposed to be it. The software side of shit needs to be set up better.
IndicationHumble7886 t1_iuf5z1a wrote
Reply to Online age-verification system could create ‘honeypot’ of personal data and pornography-viewing habits, privacy groups warn by Lakerlion
Whay cant we just register a device as being a childs and white list the content
IndicationHumble7886 t1_jcvt2m2 wrote
Reply to comment by caesarbear in Putin Signs Law Punishing Mercenaries' Critics With Jail by aaaronbrown
Yip, the conflict between them is between Prigozhin and military commanders, not Putin.