
Indra_a_goblin t1_iuk0gdh wrote

Because a lot of people in online spaces are absolute assholes, racists, sexists, lgbtg-phobic, and probably hates every other minority as well, or even if they aren't really that they act it to gain acceptance from their peers, it's a big problem but nobody wants to do anything about it because it'd likely involve seriously looking at your own behaviour or that of your friend groups as potentially problematic.

Edit: I see some folk down vote this and similar replies that calls this a problem, it fucking is a problem, if a community is actively hostile towards you being there then that doesn't bode well for you staying very long, doesn't matter if its intended as a joke or some bs it's still just straight up harassment in the end, if you want to see the extreme of it just look at fucking gamer gate (which is still going on to some extent under different names) that was born from that mentality.

Grow the fuck up crybabies
