
InfamousBinkles OP t1_jdkoun2 wrote

Okay, so it's kinda of a long story but here it goes. March 18th at about 9:30 at night here in the mountains of Colorado my wife was traveling to work on the bus and from what I was told the mountain lion in the video was struck by a vehicle and couldn't move. The bus pulled up and was sitting idle so she decided to take her phone out and start recording. Mean while I'm guessing the lady in the video gets out of her vehicle just up the road with a broom, which we here in colorado use as a cheep way to get snow off of our vehicles and tries to shoo or move the big cat off the road. I dont know if she worked for anyone but that is what happened. I am told that the police came and took care of the mountain lion. And the bus and other vehicles went on there way. No one was harmed including the woman with the broom.

But wait there's more to the story.

The next morning I woke up to my wife showing me this video and she isn't very technological so I took the video and posted it to tiktok it was taken down once for dangerous acts. So I appealed it and it got put back up I was so happy as it was going viral but later that night it was taken down again for the same reason and it wouldn't let me dispute it again after it had reached 3.7 million views. I was infurriated, so I deleted the video since no one could see it anymore, and I deleted my account on tiktok. The next morning on the 20th I was getting calls from people asking to use my video and earn some money from it. I declined since my video and all my views and followers where gone i dont know if that was the right move but i just wanted to put it behind me (sorry for blowing you guys off btw). Later that day my friend on Facebook sends me a post of my video from a channel called Catskill outdoors. Again I was angry I messaged the page and asked them to take it down. After half a day of them not responding I filled a copyright claim on Facebook but since I didn't have the original video online anymore I had nowhere to send them to show that they stole it. So the Catskill outdoors page put some woman's name on the post and it is still up and has 10 million views. I am not very happy about that but there is nothing i can do becuase they blocked me it is now 4 days later and I am finally reposting the video on Youtube.

But since everyone and there mother has already seen the video, and i was just using youtube to post gaming videos i doubt i will ever regain my fame and glory. But this is the original video and story of what happened.