
Inlhia t1_is89jjc wrote

Our educational system is ancient compared to technology. But compared to time, it’s revolutionary.

The wide-spread access of the internet was only 15 years ago. It drastically transformed the world. It’s still transforming the world.

We’re all living in a time that history books will have chapters on.


Inlhia t1_is69oxi wrote

It’s a little outdated and the graphic is confusing. But it’s a kid-friendly version on how learning works.

It’s based on Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development from the early 1900s.

Blended with Maslows Hierarchy of needs's_hierarchy_of_needs

To create Bloom’s Taxonomy in the 1950s.'s_Revised_Taxonomy.jpg

And distilled to the “Conscious Competence” learning model.

These frameworks are the very basics of learning. Learning models are still evolving today but this is the best attempt humans have done at mapping how we learn.

There are more frameworks currently being tested but it takes about 20 years so….