
InsidiousApe t1_j634sxw wrote

I enjoy that this is the simple questions thread. :)

Let me ask something much simpler, although in three parts. I am a web developer with no ML experience, but with a specific project in mind. I'd like to understand the process a touch better in order to help me find a programmer to work alongside (paid of course).

(1) Provided the information is easily found via API for instance, what is the ingestion process like time wise for very large amounts of information? I realize that is subjective to the physical size of the data, but are there other things going on which take time in that process?

(2) In order to program a system to look for correlations in data where no one may have seen them before, what is the process used to do this? This is what I'm truly looking to do once that information is taken in. For example, a ton of (HIPAA Compliant) medical information is taken in and I'm looking to build a system that can look for commonalities of people with a thyroid tumor. Obviously tons of tweaking to those results, but what is the process which allows this to happen?