
InterestinglyLucky t1_jad3ls0 wrote

CTC analyses has been going full-throttle in the US for several years, and companies have been founded with limited success in getting traction in the research market, much less getting FDA clearance (whether PMA or 510k).

Some market research puts it into the low $B in sales, I do not believe it. Well-established companies in this space are Epic and Menarini (formerly Silicon Biosystems); Angle PLC, BioCept and Fluxion and a few others are out there but struggling. Many companies no longer in business - Cynvenio anyone? Celsee acquired by Bio-Rad.


InterestinglyLucky t1_j5eczqm wrote

So well put.

It came in the mail two days ago, and I finished it (late) last night.

Still processing the emotions I felt, and have not laughed out loud (several times) while reading a book in I do not know how long.

The questions he poses, in the light of the classic writers (I was not aware of Samuel Beckett and his impact on 20th century writing before) directly contrasting the incredibly technical neuroscience involved in his day-to-day work was absolutely arresting. Literature posing the Biggest Questions of our meaning and existence, all the while he's working with the pain and grief of not only himself and his family, but the reminiscence of all those patients he had to do the exact same thing from the physician's perspective.

It's going to take some time for me to process such a contrast of feelings. And will be sure to read it again in a few weeks. Thanks /u/0dteSPYFDs for sharing your thoughts here.