
Intergalacticdespot t1_jegucqn wrote

This is true, also general size of chest cavity etc. But they don't know much else. There could be all kinds of obstructive tissue, convoluted airflow pathways, muscular limitations and just about any other barrier you can imagine. It's entirely possible for a big barrel chest and other appropriate anatomy to produce a cute little whistle or some kind of baby dinosaur from a Hollywood movie trill.


Intergalacticdespot t1_jegsgdh wrote

Anger is a masking emotion? I mean, usually our feelings are hurt/our ego is damaged, and the outrage and feeling of being attacked triggers an anger response? This is the mechanism they taught us in conflict resolution classes and it works for those situations. I'm not sure how medically/psychologically accurate it is, which is why I ask.


Intergalacticdespot t1_j6811q7 wrote

Can we hit co2 with electricity and split it into carbon and oxygen? Seems like that would be a way to reduce CO2 emissions. But not sure how efficient it is or would be. Probably would need some economies of scale to make it viable in the long term. I'm assuming. Both carbon and oxygen have industrial uses so should theoretically count as useful resources. At least at any reasonable scale.


Intergalacticdespot t1_ixxtf8s wrote

Technically whichever company invented jpeg owns all pictures encoded as .jpeg. I'd imagine it wouldn't hold up in court because it's been unenforced for like 20-30 years now. But in theory jpeg itself is the same way. Was one of the earliest mass copyright attempts. And why I still prefer gif or png when at all possible.


Intergalacticdespot t1_ixnwwel wrote

I think research focuses on edge cases too much. We don't think of the number of times we have an urge to put a candy bar in our pocket at the store, put a fork in the garbage disposal, or dump a cup of coffee into the printer/our cubicle mates' lap. But I think it's all the same. Even just what if I didn't tie my shoes today, what if I didn't look back before I backed the car out, what if I flipped off that cop on the side of the road. All of these things are similar but less life threatening and don't really come up in the research as much. If at all. The focus on what if I throw myself off this bridge missed that...we have similar anti-social or destructive thoughts about things all the time. It misses some of the complexity of human experience when we only talk about extremes or edge cases. Imo.