
International_Tea259 t1_itt70oj wrote

Mass transit is actually good for disables people since it's insanely cheap, and simple to use since busses are tall so they don't have a complicated boarding process and can also have designated seats for them. Especially if someone is in a wheel chair, stuff like low floor busses with ramps for wheel chairs which is honestly a standard on modern day busses. Plus with transit getting better everyone benefits! Since less people will NEED to drive which means that there will be less cars on the road thuss reducing congestion.


International_Tea259 t1_itt3saa wrote

Why is it a good thing if someone who is legally blind has to drive? Transit should be expanded instead, that's the best thing for disabled people since they can just get shuttled around on low floor busses for like 60$/month maybe even lower(cars that cost less then 100/month with all costs combined are freaking rare).