
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_j33drt1 wrote

Sad this needs to be explained. I hear my house with oil, you force me and all my neighbors to switch to heat pumps, now we use electric. What happens when too many people are pulling from the grid? Here is a hint…they ask you to stop using power then you have rolling blackouts. Look at NJ on Christmas Eve they were asking people to turn off Christmas lights to ease the strains on the system.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_izalfk2 wrote

I get that, there are also safeguards to prevent dead people from getting unemployment. I know this is hard for you, but I am skeptical of a system that mails a ballot to an old resident of a house to begin with. I think the original article we commented on was about a guy who has voted in both MA and NH…how many years before he got caught? We have safeguards for that…no?


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz9kf9m wrote

Oddly enough this was the democrat stance pre 2020. “Bush was selected, not elected”. “Russian collusion” “illegitimate president” how many high level democrats have made that statement? The issue is it’s been done before and democrats are only mad now because someone else is doing it.

And no, every American should be concerned about the elections. Democrats want a American Idol style election where you can text a number to vote. Mail in ballots are ripe for fraud with ballot harvesting. Heck, you don’t even need to campaign like the Arizona governor elect, you can even be a racist, but as long as you have campaign cash and can pay for people to go door knocking in the inner cities to harvest ballots you can win. I also suppose being in charge of the voting process helps too.

It’s a concern that people reported receiving multiple ballots for old household residents. Even though we are told there are ways to make sure that ballot wouldn’t be counted how do we know? Our government allowed $45B in unemployment fraud but sure they can stop a ballot from being counted. It should be a concern that those ballots being counted were being done in rooms where election officials covered windows and hid from the press.

Ohh and this doesn’t even take into consideration the absolute total control one party seems to have of every level of government from DOJ, IRS, FBI, etc. and the damn media who will do whatever they ask.

Unlike most high level members of the democrat party between 2016-2020 I can say the current president is legitimate.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz5vlt9 wrote

You keep saying very little proof of fraud. We have no idea if that is a true statement. I just remember before the election we were warned by Kamala and other dems to be fearful of electronic voting machines. We don’t hear that too much these days.

Way to respond.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz5eco4 wrote

Right but the one where people are overstaying their visas isn’t causing air Marshall’s to be removed from flights to help our agents at the border. Did 1K people die as a result of people overstaying their visas? That’s roughly how many people died this year crossing the border. Are people overstaying their visas causing suicides of border agents?

Who said because one person voted we should overturn the election?


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz57skc wrote

It doesn’t matter. One voter fraud is one too many. Problem is, no one knows how widespread voting fraud is. We hear stories like this and the left goes “see rare”. We have no idea. Ohh and if someone brings this up, it’s “ohh you are brainwashed”. Just like everything else with the left…”ohh you want a secure border?…Racist.”


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz4jdxl wrote

If I am not mistaken didn’t a major democrat in PA get arrested for voter fraud? Not sure why you claim it’s only one party. It’s not like people who commit the fraud raise their hands and turn themselves in. The point is it appears easy to commit voter fraud and with ballot harvesting it will only get worse.