
Iohet t1_je27ow8 wrote

I'm not even sure it's not just. If you publicly post something that ties you to an illegal activity, that's on you. If you privately post something, you're afforded some level of privacy, but, again, once you give it to Facebook, they're the ones served the warrant, not you, and they don't give a shit about you enough to fight it. So, really, just don't do it.

Absolutely push your legislators to ban this type of data collection, but, in absence of that, just because new methods of accessing old public data are better doesn't mean the concept is no longer just, and one should be aware of that before they say anything that could hurt them


Iohet t1_je2210o wrote

Yea, but the door is open. Plain view doctrine. As far as Facebook goes, it's based on reasonable expectation of privacy. The courts have found that private messages have a reasonable expectation of privacy, but not public posts. They can't get into items locked behind your user in your account without a warrant, but publicly posted things are fair game


Iohet t1_j66n1fg wrote

OTA updates aren't necessarily a good thing without significant security and QA assurances. The fact that Tesla rolled out a major braking OTA patch within days of being notified of an article critical of their braking should be concerning to you, as there is no way such a major system was significantly road tested. OTA updates should be tightly controlled


Iohet t1_j4s9vz8 wrote

> The residential green environments were measured at the time the child was born around the homes of the families with measures of greenness, diversity of vegetation, and naturalness index, i.e. how much human impact and intervention there has been in the residential area. The results were independent of the education level, occupation, marital status and health of the children’s parents as well as the socio-economic disadvantage in the residential area.

> The study showed that the diversity of oligosaccharides increases and the composition of several individual oligosaccharides changes when the mother’s residential area includes more green environments.

> “This could indicate that increased everyday contacts with nature could be beneficial for breastfeeding mothers and their children as the oligosaccharide composition of breastmilk would become more diverse. The results imply that breastfeeding could have a mediating role between residential green environments and health in infancy,” says Lahdenperä and continues:

Something tells me that the drive towards overly dense urbanization that is being pushed by housing advocates and some politicians to solve housing issues will override the benefits shown from studies like this


Iohet t1_ixenf9u wrote

I figure it's mostly because the women's team gets to pick from the top athletes in the US. There's not a half dozen other sports that top athletes gravitate to, and collegiate sports have a lot of money to throw around because of Title IX. You're basically talking basketball, softball, and soccer, for the most part, maybe gymnastics and other Olympic sports as well