
Iridium_Pumpkin t1_iyyho5x wrote

No genius,I'm saying these views because I know someone that worked in the sector for a long time, and basically what he said was that there is no real way to solve the homeless problem until you separate out the junkies to forced treatment and the severely mentally ill to permanent institutions.

Then you can start dealing with the people that can actually be helped. But the junkies and severe crazies ruin a lot of the services and public goodwill for everyone that could genuinely use the help.

And that's why I'm with Adams; lock up the batshit crazy ones where the won't be a danger to themselves, but chiefly longer a danger and public plague to others. I'd love for the subways not to smell like piss anymore. Or have to avoid the empty train car because theres a dude masturbating in it.


Iridium_Pumpkin t1_iyy1vuc wrote

Yeah, I don't think you really get what I was going for. I meant that they do not want doctors, do not want treatment, do not want medication. They just want complete unfettered freedom to do whatever they want.

Obviously they would not choose this as their default setting if given the choice. But they'd rather live with the crazy than treat it.


Iridium_Pumpkin t1_iyxgx0j wrote

Dude, you don't seem to get it. There are some people that can. not. be. helped. They WANT to be crazy. They don't want to be medicated. They don't want to be sober. And they would sooner stab you than not if you tried to make them. And the second they are out on their own they will go back to their old ways.

THESE are the the people that need to be forced into involuntary treatment, probably for life.

There is sometimes no cure for crazy. Pills and therapy are not a cure all.


Iridium_Pumpkin t1_iyx9sd1 wrote

And what if they'd rather not get help, and would rather keep screaming at Asian women and pissing on subway stairwells?

This isn't about helping the down and out bum with a heart of gold, it's about the guys that go into Starbucks bathrooms and smear their shit all over the walls.

Also, if you're giving out free houses for staying sober I'll take one.