
IrishWave t1_j8x4uzp wrote

This one seems different though. I'd agree that most volunteer / non-profit groups are a black hole in terms of spending vs. effectiveness, but this seems different in two ways:

  1. They have a defined and measurable statistic in the X% reduction in crime in school areas (assuming they're not playing games with defining the school areas).
  2. They have a clear objective with how the money is going to be spent (raises and more employees).

Programs like this are night and day vs. the give me millions so I can build an anti-violence phone app crap that was being touted a year ago.


IrishWave t1_j687mfh wrote

Seems like a pretty reckless article to write just as the investigation starts. Searches on the teacher's name are going to display this and only this regardless of the outcome of the investigation, and unless there's computer evidence backing up the claim, the evidence is the word of one student and hearsay from their parent.

>Mack gave the students back their gift cards on Wednesday, the mother and student said. She asked them what they had told the principal.
>“She said, ‘If I don’t end up getting fired, I might just quit,’” the student said.

This in particular strikes me as very odd for three reasons:

  • The entire article talks about swift action, yet this statement would have to have been made after the teacher was informed an investigation was ongoing. If it's true, now you've got officials are lying about the suspension process.
  • The instance is about the teacher giving the gift cards back, yet the student in the article claims to have never actually given the teacher a gift card. Possible the teacher is a complete moron and did this in front of all of her students, but there was absolutely no reason for the student in the article to be at this conversation.
  • This just seems like way too perfect of a quote. Not only an admission of guilt, but an admission this should cost you your job?

IrishWave t1_j3unuvh wrote

>Each terminal has a sign indicating how many spots are available when you drive up as does each floor of the garage.

Do these signs actually work? They always seem incredibly far off from how many spaces are available.


IrishWave t1_ixkrwzj wrote

I don't understand who they think the target audience will be. There's not enough jobs in AC to support the local population as is, so 10,000 new homes makes no sense. Offices need to be located near workers, and it would be very difficult for a company to just up and move to a region with little to no college workers, not to mention a region where housing is either incredibly expensive or in very undesirable neighborhoods. Retail is just as baffling as there's plenty of cheap locations in the heart of Atlantic city would already be transformed for this if there was any customer interest.

Seems like this is just destined to be Revel 2.0 if it goes through.


IrishWave t1_iwwa2or wrote

I had a similar situation and got them removed, though EZ Pass doesn't make it easy. Even though the car racking up the violations:

  • Was a different color.
  • Was a pickup instead of an SUV.
  • Was getting fines solely in DC and Baltimore.
  • Drove through a Maryland toll minutes after I drove over the Commodore Berry.

It still took a month of back and forth and for whatever reason, couldn't be removed until I printed all of the emails out and mailed everything to some EZ Pass office.


IrishWave t1_itrrktu wrote

Who determines the difference between callous disregard and mistake and how do you write a law to differentiate the two? If you’re the spouse or child of the dead lineman, are you not going to be calling for justice because coworkers decided to chat about a football game vs. take 15 seconds to follow policy and look out for the worker’s safety?

This also isn’t nearly as black and white as you make it. We had a garbage truck driver in Philly kill a cyclist because they forgot to signal they were making a turn. Also had a train conductor in Philly approach a turn at too high of a speed leading to a derailment and several deaths. Student died at my college during a football practice because they went on a lift in high-winds and no one thought to tell them not to. In all three of these instances, you had plenty of people calling for criminal charges against everyone involved who didn’t view screwing around while driving a train through a city as anything less than a callous disregard for human life.


IrishWave t1_itrbezb wrote

The two problems with this logic being the rule of law:

  1. You’re disregarding the inherent danger aspect. Line repair work is a far more dangerous job than being a cop, and exponentially more people die fixing phone/power lines than they do while getting arrested. Lineworkers are trained to know one wrong step can be an instant death and that there is no second chance if you mess up. It’s also not an instant mistake like you’re making it out to be. Proper equipment and precautions are supposed to be taken before the worker heads up to the wires, allowing for a similar window for others to catch the mistake.

  2. Somewhat combined with the above, this logic would suggest far more doctors, nurses, and pharmacists should be criminally held accountable for mistakes, especially if you’re ignoring the inherent/imminent danger aspect. Many of their patients are already worried about death, and they’d have far more than ~10 minutes of being told someone isn’t well to identify and correct a mistake.


IrishWave t1_itqw4cv wrote

I’ll give you a real world example a buddy of mine had to deal with earlier this year.

Crew went out to fix wires on a telephone pole. One worker went up the pole to make the repair. That worker was not wearing the appropriate gear for working around live wires, and failed to follow policy around what could and couldn’t be touched when making this repair. They were electrocuted to death because of this. The rest of the crew, including the crew supervisor (blue collar team leader) weren’t properly paying attention and failed to notice either mistake even though they were all trained to do so.

Do you charge the rest of the crew with manslaughter for not following proper policies and intervening when a co-worker was dealing with a dangerous and potentially life-threatening scenario? If not, what would be your logic for differentiating the two scenarios?


IrishWave t1_itm7mbv wrote

I struggle with the opposite on the other three, esp. the rookie. If you take the cop aspect out of it and view this from the angle of soldiers, doctors, construction workers, etc. where a mistake led to a death, I could very easily see the reddit outrage going the other way (as it did when Italy was threatening murder charges against the scientists who failed to predict the earthquake).

I got fired at work and might go to prison.

What happened?!

My boss screwed up. I thought they were wrong and pointed it out, but they told me it was fine and to shut up. Boss ended up being wrong and now I’m in trouble for not stopping them.

So your boss made the mistake and ignored you after you pointed this out…why did you get fired?

If this situation played out at my company, I couldn’t even see the other three getting in trouble if they kept their mouth shut, let alone the rookie for knowing enough to speak out.