
Irish_Whiskey t1_jeh54re wrote

I don't know if you're making a joke by repeating the meme, but in case it's serious:

What about Hunters laptop? If there's proof of a crime on there, use it to convict him. I don't give a shit. Unlike the Trump cult, no Dems are personally invested in Bidens family.

Just like with the million Hillary investigations where Republicans found nothing, Hunters laptop is just an excuse to dig and constantly insinuate that there must be shady shit. But despite having been in GOP hands for years and law enforcement, no one has even identified what crime Hunter Biden supposedly committed. If you ever find something, throw his ass in jail. In the meantime, stop bringing it up just to deflect from the former President being an open criminal and traitor.


Irish_Whiskey t1_jeh4509 wrote

His own attorney already went to jail for participation in the crime Trump is being charged with.

Notice that the right wing narrative on this is all about how they'll retaliate, and how it's setting a standard for revenge. Not that he's actually innocent. Because of course he isn't, we have the records of him lying about the expenses he was using to pay off his prostitute.


Irish_Whiskey t1_j6pbq03 wrote

> That guy is waaaaaaaay more capable than I am

He believed 9/11 was an inside job and burst out his door with a bandolier and gas mask after cursing out the NWO scum.

Like a lot of preppers and gravy seals, you can be very capable at hunting and knowledgeable about guns, but still living a fantasy of what combat actually looks like.

He wasn't mentally healthy. Dying in a shootout against NWO thugs and looters was the fantasy he lived for. Frank served an important role by grounding him and giving him something to live for.

I'll note that I could be wrong and maybe it's not intended. But I thought from the very beginning when he bursts out of his home as the pandemic starts that he was terrible at using his guns. Seeing him standing in the open Cowboy style wasn't a surprise at all when it happened, as it's reasonable characterization that he's not practical about firearms and gunfights. Unlike Joel and Tess, we have no reason to think he's experienced in actual firefights.


Irish_Whiskey t1_j6oqb9j wrote

> Why is very smart and ultra prepared Bill's plan to stand on the open street and shoot. Like seriously?

Because he's shit with guns.

I noticed the whole time he had terrible trigger discipline, had impractical weapons and gear for responding to the government agents, kept running into the open and swinging his guns around wildly, and kept fumbling and dropping the gun at dinner when he was trying to look intimidating.

He's a prepper. He stockpiled stuff and developed skills to be the king of his own hill and drive off "moochers". The fact that he'd have a million guns and be a decent shot but have terrible tactics and discipline is exactly what I'd expect from a prepper. Unlike Tommy he's not a vet with combat experience, nor is he used to actually using guns against people like Joel.

> No, he's just an idiot for one scene.

If you go back, he's an idiot with his guns in most scenes. This was just the one time people fired back.


Irish_Whiskey t1_j6nfceu wrote

>On the standalone side, why so saccharine? Why not have more fun with this kind of deviation from the plot? As far as re-creating the beats of the game, why not follow a more interesting path?

...fundamentally this article's take is just "been done before, I wanted something different." It comes across as contrarian for its own sake.

Why not saccharine? A sweet love story that shows what motivates someone isolated and closed off to open up to caring is very relevant to the overall plot and Joel's arc. Yeah, it could have been goofier or more fun and less sad. That isn't automatically better, nor does citing a very different episode of "The Magicians" prove "it's been done before" just because it also involves gay men.

Hell with that logic, why make the show at all? It's a sad zombie apocalypse show, why not make something more fun that hasn't been done before?


Irish_Whiskey t1_j229o9v wrote

I agree with you that the discussion of racism was shallow. I would note that if anything religion and redemption were even bigger themes, and are the ones to compare more to Bioshock 1s libertarianism. You start and end with a baptism, nothing related to race.

Infinite isnt praised much for it's dealing with racism, more for it's sci-fi parallel worlds story, visuals, acting and companion mechanic. Bioshock 1 I'd also say isn't praised as much for the critique of libertarianism, as it's twist related to player choice and narrative convention.