
IrresponsibleScience t1_iv18st3 wrote


I couldn’t dive to deep into the wall street journal’s article because of the pay wall but was able to read the other one!

I really enjoyed the opinion based parts mixed with the fact based parts!

Making narratives for someone is so great! Let’s us make a story that fits our vision!


IrresponsibleScience t1_iu3zka2 wrote

Correct. Following the popular abuse of “socialism” has lead you and the other guy down a rabbit hole and gotten you downvoted. Could have been solved with some clarification early on ;).

But to summarize: corporate welfare bad, give resources to citizens.


IrresponsibleScience t1_iu3ys9j wrote

You seem to want to be nit-picky with the definition of socialism, so I guess you should know that you also are mischaracterizing it:

When giving corporations and large companies that have the assets to take care of themselves tax money that doesn’t benefit citizens, and turning around and complaining about using that same tax money in a way that directly benefits citizens, seems like a mis-prioritization of standards.


IrresponsibleScience t1_isxaxnz wrote

They’ve been really active this fall, even out here in the Philly burbs.

Any time I see a deer crossing the road I slow down, put on hazards and flash my lights for oncoming traffic to make sure I catch everyone’s attention. Even if there’s a safe gap for me to cross doesn’t mean something won’t happen shortly after so I want to help the other drivers to be looking around.


IrresponsibleScience t1_isjy90v wrote

I’ve actually thought about this well before the Fetterman situation. Because we have some very old and questionable people in political power. The questions come down to: How do we accurately and fairly test cognitive ability of the individual to ensure they are capable of good decision making? And how do ensure we don’t take away fair representation of citizens in the process?

They are hard questions to answer IMO. On the one had, most of not all the senators and house members over 65 would not fair well with a cognitive test, but removing all of them would have a huge impact on fair representation. On the other hand my generation (25-40) doesn’t have much representation at all.


IrresponsibleScience t1_isje0eu wrote

Every single comment share the same core hatred for basic human accommodations and lacks any substance to the character, values, or intelligence of the person.

John Fetterman worked in an actual impoverished Pennsylvania town with actual struggling Pennsylvanians. He has actual awareness of the problems of the average Pennsylvanian and is far more capable of true representation than the guy that’s so disconnected from politics and people that he’s running in a state he visits on occasion to feel “authentic” before going back to telling moms how to “burn that belly fat” by eating yams or some bull shit.