
Irritatedtrack t1_j0y9vk4 wrote

The US just codified the Marriages act. LGBTQ+ people have the worst time in almost half the US. Forget LGBT, there is a war on abortion and women’s rights in the US. There are bans on teaching evolution and history in certain states in the US.

This is not to say India is better or the US is. If you dig deep enough, you will find fossilized shit everywhere. Thankfully, laws in india are still fairly progressive.

And just like the US, Tier 1 cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai all have a significant gay population that are accepted and live normal lives. So stop spreading stereotypes.


Irritatedtrack t1_j0y9ivk wrote

I would love a source on that? Minorities have the highest birth rate in india compared to the majority Hindu population. Muslims have their own law separate from Common Law (whether it is homo sexuality, transgender rights etc.). Not sure where you are from or how much knowledge you have about india, what you said is definitely not true.