
IrrumaboMalum t1_jbjld8q wrote

I drove through New Jersey twice in my life - to and from Rhode Island, so both times on the same trip. I felt my soul being sucked away and a sense of existential dread each time - like there was a great dark force coming for me while I was there.

When I go to Ohio I just get a mild depression and fear of the Ohio Highway Patrol.


IrrumaboMalum t1_jad43gz wrote

We're ahead of much of the world - the US leads the world in medical discoveries involving new test procedures, medications and test equipment.,has%20ties%20to%20the%20U.S.

Now our delivery of that healthcare to the people of the US needs a lot of work, true. We lag behind the rest of the world in that aspect.

In that aspect, we need to do better. A lot better.


IrrumaboMalum t1_jacvv64 wrote

They do, but it's still tiered. The rich/famous and politically connected receive better care in better facilities than the common masses get in the public facilities.

There is no country to my knowledge where you or I would receive the same level or quality of care as a celebrity, a rich business magnate or a politician.


IrrumaboMalum t1_j6l5yeb wrote

You think lawyers work for free?

They'll want compensation, win or lose, for their time. And agreeing to covering the upfront expenses doesn't mean they are doing the entire case pro bono.

Plus there is the possibility that the losing party will also have to pay the legal expenses of the winning party (unsure of those particular laws here in PA). So not only could we, the taxpayers, be on the hook for the legal costs of the school districts - but also the legal costs of the social media platforms they are suing.


IrrumaboMalum t1_j5xz0ou wrote

Hopefully you have better luck than me. I'm still waiting on my 2019 tax refund.

"We have received your Personal Income Tax return. Your return is currently awaiting a routine review. Please allow 12 to 16 weeks for your return to be processed. If additional information is needed you will receive a letter with instructions."

It has said this for almost three years now. Can't call them. They won't call me when I schedule a call. My local rep blows me off.


IrrumaboMalum t1_j53qitx wrote

Right - people should have a choice instead of being led to believe that you will never amount to anything unless you have at least a 4 year degree.

Union apprentice programs. Trade schools. Two year schools. Four year schools. Masters and doctorate programs. All are valid forms of higher education, but society has a whole stigmatizes some of them.

Master carpenters can easily make six figures a year, but a college graduate in a cubicle with a BA degree will make fun of him because he isn't "educated." Society has programmed us almost since birth to seek that four year degree to be successful.

I got a two year degree. I started as a technician and now I'm a reactor engineer and will likely me moving on to a position with a utility at a plant in the next few years. But my "worth" in the eyes of society is low because I only have an associates degree and not a bachelors degree, nevermind that my work is far more beneficial to society than many four year degree graduates.

Whatever you want to do, the first two years should be free. Community college or trade school or a tech school. Union apprenticeships are often compensated. And, I believe, masters and doctorates can also be paid for by the school as an exchange of labor (you work for the program while advancing your studies, providing value to the school in exchange for the education).


IrrumaboMalum t1_j53ceqt wrote

It is human nature to exploit situations like that that are ripe for exploitation. Similar to when price controls are implemented in response to inflation, so people go out and horde the basic necessities.

We will never overcome human nature.

So the government is still the root cause of the problem. They created the problem. Schools did what every business, and yes schools are a business, does when a huge pool of new customers is opened to them.


IrrumaboMalum t1_j539iys wrote

Free community college is a good start. You can do most of your basic classes there, and then transfer to a "traditional" college and get your BA or BS degree while only paying two years of tuition.

Which should be significantly lower once the government gravy train ends.

We also need to eliminate the cultural concept that "higher education" only begins with a 4-year degree. I got a 2-year degree and I'm doing nuclear engineering work after being in the field for over 10 years now. We should encourage trade programs and associates degrees as acceptable higher education as well.

In fact in some fields a 2-year degree is more valuable than a 4-year degree. I started out as a technician before working my way into being an engineer. Companies need technicians to maintain equipment, manufacture equipment, test equipment and repair equipment. Companies don't want to pay a college graduate with a BS in EE or ME to be a technician - they want to pay them to be an engineer. So schools that offer a 2-year vocational training program that offers an associates degree are highly valuable, but are few and far between.


IrrumaboMalum t1_j538shp wrote

S: "I can't afford to go to college."

G: "Here, have some money."

C: "Oh? The government is giving students money now? Well then...let's increase tuition!"

S: "I can't afford to go to college again!"

G: "Here, have some more money."

C: "Sweet...tuition increases coming!"

Repeat ad infinitum until we reach where we are today.

Yes, it is the government's fault.


IrrumaboMalum t1_j4z3dgj wrote think private party companies, the student loan providers, wanted the government to create government-funded competition with near infinite reserves of cash for them to compete against?


Completely wrong. That isn't how business works.

Private company student loan providers have "skin in the game" - they have limited cash reserves with which to make these loans, so they tend to be highly selective in who they lend to to ensure the people they lend to have the highest chance of repaying the loans. This was not a high profit business model prior to the advent of government-backed student loans, and schools also had lower tuition costs to attract as many students as possible.

Fast forward to the government offering government-back student loans. With a near infinite pool of money and the ability to garnish wages and tax returns, the government was able to lend money to anyone who applied. There were few to no standards, since the government was not overly worried about repayment since they had additional tools unavailable to private lenders in the form of the IRS.

Schools saw this new pool of students with effectively unlimited funding and saw a gravy train. Tuitions began to increase. Schools that used to do their own lending and financing stopped - the government would now handle that and if the student defaulted on the loan the school didn't have to worry about pursuing the money.

The government is 100% directly responsible for the cost of college tuition today. Now they are trying to find an "answer" to the problem they created. The answer is simple - end all government-subsidized loan programs. Grants are fine. Scholarships are fine. But the loans need to end as soon as possible. Once that bottomless well of money dries up, schools will have no choice but to lower tuitions, begin working with private lenders again and perhaps even reopen their own financial departments for lending and financing.


IrrumaboMalum t1_j4ykqi9 wrote

The government is at fault for creating the gravy train in the first place. They wanted to "open up" college for everyone, so they started guaranteeing loans. People went from graduating with little to no debt by working part time while going to school to graduating with decades of debt so the "non-profit" schools can rake in that sweet, sweet government money.

Yes, I do blame the government. They created the problem in the first place. The servicers exacerbated the problem for sure - but they were never in the position to create the situation they took advantage of.


IrrumaboMalum t1_j4ykgbe wrote

A character witness serves no purpose at all. In fact, at least as far as the PA LTCF goes, the authorities are legally not allowed to contact your references.

For the sake of argument...let's go with your idea. Let's say you are a fine and mentally competent individual, and you have to be since part of the Act 235 requirements is a psychological evaluation. You're on the job for years, no issues.

Then one day something happens and you break mentally. You do something stupid.

Should the people who stood as character witnesses for you years ago face repercussions because of a recent and sudden development in your psychological profile that happened long after they vouched for you?

A logical person will say "no."