
Isares t1_ixvevkk wrote

Visiting the istana is actually possible on certain open days (which is where the president stays, or at least uses for formal state occassions).

Visiting LKY's actual house is currently impossible, and even if it were possible, would go against his explicit wishes for it to not be turned into a heritage site.


Isares t1_iuczlzz wrote

This could be an interesting question. Not werewolves per se, but the use of animal species to decimate local ecosystems, or as a defensive measure against invasions. I'm curious if it would skirt the definitions of biological warfare by just the tiniest bit.

Stuff like locusts to decimate a crop harvest would probably fall under biowarfare (but would be absolutely devastating to morale), but what about releasing lionfish or stonefish as a defense against amphibious landings, or releasing carp into a river to harass supply chains?