
IshanDandekar t1_jedzcud wrote

Look into tutorials or projects published on YouTube maybe, even that is a great source. The main idea to copy someone's project in beginner stage, is to get inspired by them and then later do what you want and build upon it. Right now you have the theoretical knowledge, but programming will also come into the picture when you are on a data science job


IshanDandekar t1_jedz4db wrote

Projects. Only way to test what you have learned is projects. In Andrew Ng's deep learning course, he has assignments pertaining to a topic/application of deep learning. Easiest way to expand this is to make a whole project out of it. Best way to show your skills.

As you said, yes there are resources to get weights for models, look into model zoos. Hope this helps!


IshanDandekar t1_izvpp8c wrote

I say, start with the FastAi course, it's great. Start somewhere, there isn't a defined roadmap for deep learning. Everybody has a different journey of learning these things. Also, start exploring the domains of deep learning problems, like computer vision and natural language processing. Find out what interests you the most and learn more about it.