IsildursBane20 t1_ja3xxd0 wrote
Reply to comment by kryotheory in what happened to this "all natural soap" after sitting in the shower for a few months by Sacred_Stardust
Lol your efforts are superfluous. You should see how much waste my factor produces
IsildursBane20 t1_j5jgx35 wrote
Reply to comment by AnnoyedVelociraptor in Radxa Rock5 Model A is a credit card-sized single-board PC with RK3588S and up to 16GB RAM (starting at $99) by giuliomagnifico
If only iOS would open up to more games. I’d love fallout or Skyrim on my phone. Best I have so far is KOTOR
IsildursBane20 t1_j2fmdq5 wrote
Reply to comment by PeePeeCockroach in U.S. orders Mastercard to stop blocking competing payment networks by HRJafael
It makes a huge difference? One is Costco not accepting the payment method, the other is Mastercard actively blocking the payment…but go ahead and double down on being wrong lol
IsildursBane20 t1_j1krhw5 wrote
Reply to comment by PeePeeCockroach in U.S. orders Mastercard to stop blocking competing payment networks by HRJafael
That’s Costco blocking Mastercard, not Mastercard.
IsildursBane20 t1_iyi991x wrote
I made this 20 years ago with a battery, what’s so special ?
IsildursBane20 t1_ixu7kli wrote
Reply to comment by clickwir in Bye-bye airplane mode: EU allows smartphones during flights by Zhukov-74
Yeah because millions of drivers don’t cause the same thing…
IsildursBane20 t1_ixu6vgf wrote
Reply to Stanford Researchers Develop Wireless Smart Bandage That Speeds Up Chronic Wound Healing by Sorin61
Saw this same tech that was the “future” for bandaids like 15 years ago
IsildursBane20 t1_ixqdnuj wrote
Reply to comment by darkshark9 in China’s space station will run high-energy beam experiment for controversial solar power plant: chief scientist by Soupjoe5
Yes 1 gigawatt = 1000 watts
IsildursBane20 t1_ixchdsn wrote
Reply to comment by AngsterMusic in This Startup Turned 1 Million Pounds of Ocean Plastic Into a Highly Profitable Business by RedditModsAreAPlague
It takes money to run a business like this, it’s fine if it’s profitable
IsildursBane20 t1_ja41em6 wrote
Reply to comment by fimpster in My menu was on an actual meat clever. by teachdove5000
50% price increases, wow.