
Isilmine t1_jdmrovp wrote

Well, being richness is relative. If rich are the scum of the earth, most Americans and Western Europeans can be safely called scum of the earth by Russians and Central Asians.

And by succeeding I mean multiplying inherited wealth. Turning millions into billions. Not as common as people think.


Isilmine t1_jddcxzd wrote

The problem I see with these Musk arguments on Reddit or elsewhere is that people involved choose to be very categorical. Truth, of course, is somewhere in between.

Is he a super genius visionary his disciples want us to think? No. But is he an absolute scum of the earth the other side insists? No, too.

He has his shortcomings, as we all do. But saying he’s the worst or being outraged by his actions is overreaction.

Even if he is a multimillionaires son, that’s usually not enough to succeed in life and become a billionaire he is. Or else there would be hell of a lot more billionaires in the world.
