
J0hnEddy t1_j69v21z wrote

To put it simply, that kind of rap music attracts an audience that doesn’t care in the first place. It’s a genre that’s rooted in being braggadocious and getting a reaction out of people. Not saying it’s wrong or right, but that’s just who consumes hip hop. There’s no precedent for, let’s say, car seat headrest to call women bitches or anything like that, it’s not the image that got them popular in the first place.

Also, like others have said, rap has been under fire for literally 30 years from feminist groups. Tipper Gore and the PMRC literally tried to get 2 Live Crew banned from American retailers over misogynistic lyrics. I can remember being in middle school and having several moms demand Eminem was banned from the school because of songs like “kill you” Those guys have had to answer for their art since the beginning