
JBeezMer t1_j19bi46 wrote

One??? you just listed a waking moment for 80% of the population. Either work or starve, freeze, struggle, beg, ect) The list is forever growing, much like the bank accounts of most of our elected officials... Is 200K+ a year a modest income? especially being they have more vacation and holidays than anyone one else in the workforse, top that with the right to buy stocks, and invest in the same company's they write multi billion dollar contracts to for every aspect of infrastructure and boom It's a formula for the American way! Screw you guys. I'm taking care of myself first. Which leads to corporate lobbiests and lawyers, really pressing"$$" these officals and lawmakers into changing laws or passing new ones that directly affect the abiltys and penalties of corporations or companies so when they screw everyday Americans in mass with crap products or services, there isn't even a reasonable avanew for us to respond. i.e" The no class action lawsuit(s) malarkey big tech hides behind these days, also Amazon has jumped in on that as well." I mean, this allows them to literally steal from millions of people daily... Like if I stole 3 dollars from 10 million people today I'd never have to work again but I'd also be sitting in a jail cell after it was confiscated by the cops who wouldn't return it to everyone anyway. you see where I'm going anyway... something massive has to change in this country and to start with its Supreme Court Judges! they need to either do their job as it's laid out by our constitution or they need to be hung for treason! I know that is harsh, but like you said. A higher standard! The highest powers of are held to the highest penalties. If they are gonna use human nature as an excuse, then what's more natural than the law of the jungle! You want that responsibility, it comes with a price, a risk, an aspect of fear being necessary to provide the proper and highest quality of service to the nation you have sworn an oath to protect and serve. We all make our choices in the one life we have. I yours is to protect and serve you better have a real good idea of how to do that, or you may end up swinging on CNN tonight give that news agency a actual purpose... I know we as a society value life over everything else. But what kinda life is it for the majority of the population if they work themselves to death just trying to survive ... the more you make, the more you $pend the less there is in, the, end!