
JDT33658 t1_j2e4t80 wrote

Email Tim Cook. This will get you in touch with customer relations. This is the highest up you can get at apple. Be nice and just describe your issue and don’t act entitled. Leave your phone number in the email

Someone will call you at some point and I have no doubt they will take care of you.


JDT33658 t1_iy9xju9 wrote

Check every single day to see if there is any stock in the apple stores near you. The one I wanted (14 pro gold 512GB) thankfully shows up at a store 15 miles away from me. Took 2 hours to get there but id rather do that than wait the atrocious order times. This was in the beginning of October btw


JDT33658 t1_iu5u6ok wrote

It’s honestly the best investment you can make if you want and plan to use your phone for a very long time. If you drop it it’s WAY cheaper with apple care i think its something like 25 bucks instead of 250 to fix the screen. And it’s like 600 to fix the back without AC.

If you get apple care, I would recommend paying the extra 3 bucks and get theft and loss protection. It’s a very expensive device and it’s a great investment IMO.

I have a 14 pro with AC LOSS AND THEFT and it makes me feel so much more comfortable about using it in public because if it gets stolen it’s only 109 bucks to replace.