
JEVoorhees t1_j6cdy41 wrote

My hidden stash of MORE Shoprite bags! After that, I'll start using the non-biodegradeable, $0.33/ea., fabric bags that we are NOW forced to use, of which I have a few dozen in the back seat of my truck! "F" ALL ENVIRONMENTALISTS!


JEVoorhees t1_iyakmhc wrote

What is with you people?!?! The New Jersey Turnpike Authority is a STAND-ALONE entity! You don't get THEIR MONEY to extend a Commercially Operated, Quasi-State-Owned Agency's facility!!! I love the HBLRT! BUT, I know just about everything concerning the NJTA. And they don't have to spend their LEGALLY OBTAINED TOLL REVENUE on things that "make you feel good about yourself" and the goddam environment! RAISE YOUR OWN MONEY, and then GIVE IT ALL TO NJ Transit with the codisil that they can only spend it on "expanding the current Light Rail System." Then, after they are done LAUGHING AT YOU, give me a call and tell me how you did! You idiots don't know anything!!!


JEVoorhees t1_ixgt4oj wrote

If so, the loans are GUARANTEED by the ASSETS of the NJTA, and future revenues, that far exceed $10 Billion! Their annual revenue generation, gross, is several billion dollars! Early repayment is almost a guarantee, if it does not come with penalties established by the lenders! And, as always, interest is TAX DEDUCTIBLE!!! Works for everybody EXCEPT the NIMBY and the BANANA bunch!

NIMBY = Not In My Back Yard!

BANANA = Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything

You know what happens when you "mess with the Bull"!!! Horns don't look good on anybody!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


JEVoorhees t1_ixf25tt wrote

Yes. It is true! The Turnpike Authority was formed in 1949, in response to the fact that the Country was growing faster than any other IN HISTORY! Becoming the No. 1 World Power while in existence for ONLY 170 YEARS in existence. With that, the Northeast Region of the United States became the Financial and Industrial center of the World. And you can only fit just so many people in the Five Boroughs! So after they were full, New Jersey and Connecticut were next. The Thinkers and Planners of New Jersey saw that the time was ripe to implement a roadway "system" that would facilitate movement by both Jersey natives and those using the State as a "corridor" to reach beyond our borders to the North and South. A "turnpike" design was formulated since it was perfect for the access to those passing through while allowing astute natives an express pathway within the State itself. Starting operation in 1949, it was a very big hit! A nd soon became "the Busiest Toll Toad in the Entire World"!!!


JEVoorhees t1_ixdw4no wrote

You're a bunch of ill-informed dunces! Let's have a conversation where I, the NJTA Historian and Engineering Consultant to the NJTA and NJDOT for OVER 37 YEARS (for those of you who can't do math, that's 1985 to's called subtraction) sits with you, in person, in public, and/or takes a ride with you and teaches you how this all works! Let me know who's up for a real "road trip"!


JEVoorhees t1_ixax1j2 wrote

The NJTA's money is THEIR MONEY! No State assistance! No Federal Funds! Self sufficient! It is its own entity! That's why it works so well! The Governor's Office has a say, but they do what they want and/or have to, to make the World's Busiest Toll Road work! $10 Billion is their money, or if borrowed, pair back with their own money! Do some research! I did!


JEVoorhees t1_ix87vem wrote

I know Jersey City and that area from my years of work on and for the New Jersey Turnpike and the Authority. The bridges are my charge! However, having not been down there in a few years, the relative location of Pacific Avenue to Communipaw Avenue is kind of hard to visualize. Does ANYONE have an Overall Map of the Bicycle Routes, existing and proposed, in the City?! PLEASE?!


JEVoorhees t1_iwqtcmf wrote

I used to walk up and down and across and back on Montgomery all the time, East to West. Never found it to be so treacherous from a motor vehicle stand point to be un-navigable, on foot or on a bicycle. You gotta be AWARE of you surroundings at all times in this City! That's coming from a guy who grew up in Ridgewood, Wayne, Parsippany and now Rockaway Township. If I can handle it, ALL LOCALS should have no problems, whether on foot or on a bike!


JEVoorhees t1_iw2xtx6 wrote

In the background, looking East toward Manhattan, and Hoboken and Jersey City are in the foreground. At center, from left to right, are New Jersey Turnpike Newark Bay-Hudson County Extension Bridge Structures N7.93W, N7.90E, N7.24, N7.13 and N6.49, left to right. Continuing out of the photo, to the right, are Structure Nos. N5.56A, N5.56B, N5.34, N4.52, N4.12, N3.73, N3.00, N2.01E, N2.01 (Bay Bridge), N2.O1W, N0.75, and N0.28D/C/B/A at NJTA Interchange 14 at EWR. Thanks for paying attention and your voluntary boredom!