
JHolm915 t1_j1g4kly wrote

Trump and Ted Nugent had nothing to do with this conversation and neither of them stood in front of cameras and claimed to be in Vietnam as Blumenthal did. Bringing them up is just a diversion tactic that a lot of you love when assuming anyone who criticizes the left is of a certain political bias and mindset. When you look at the scope of effort the left has put into Trump compared to actually solving the issues they should be focusing on it's really asinine that we still have to hear his name in the media every other day when he can simply be ignored at this point. Ted Nugent can stick to making music and I don't care about anyone in the entertainment industries politics. I also don't own a gun, never have, and have no aspirations to if that was one of your assumptions. Blumenthal also only became a reservist as simply another ploy to dodge the draft and he never left the country. One of my family members though was drafted from college(one of Blumenthals deferment reasons) and dropped on the frontlines.

You realize he sponsored 1 of those pieces of legislation and the rest he was simply a cosponsor. Big difference in the two things, one is writing and proposing it, the other is tacking your name on the end.


JHolm915 t1_j1fsrl4 wrote

They are going to have to upgrade the infrastructure anyways for all the electric cars that are coming so it would certainly make sense to address at least the big problem areas. I'd prefer to see some sort of solar design or something to make each property energy independent and eliminate utility companies once and for all though if the government is going to invest in it. Ultimately it would probably be best to go nuclear for generation though and to help reduce costs for us make them all public non-profit entities.


JHolm915 t1_j1fpn5t wrote

Exactly the problem that people don't, those are the types that will sell their constituents out for their rich buddies every chance they get. Our state is one of the ones that throws out subsidies and contracts to undeserving corporations like crazy and people are too dumb to realize it and keep voting the people responsible in. Just look at the eversource situation, and then look at how much they have received in storm relief and various other forms of government aide, not too mention the complete lack of oversight.


JHolm915 t1_j1e2uwo wrote

I don't like either one. Lieberman was crooked as hell and Murphy has been exploiting Sandy Hook to stay relevant while not really addressing the issue correctly or accomplishing much. Sure guns played a role in it, but ultimately it was the mental state of the shooter that was what brought it about. There is an obvious twisted psychological state that would make you go to a school you haven't attended in a number of years and shoot the place up. He must have had some underlying trauma there and probably didn't have any of the mental health care he needed for much of his life. Murphy's number one goal should be to improve mental health care nationwide and in schools above all else. I'm not even a proponent of guns and don't own any, but can clearly see the propaganda and lack of firearm knowledge by him and a lot of his fellow politicians makes his actions questionable as to what he really wants to accomplish other than to stay relevant while parading around the event and using the families.


JHolm915 t1_j1e1dw8 wrote

Those talking points are valid, he claimed false military status about a war where most the people were drafted and actually had a very tough time if they made it out alive and even then, because of conditions, have many medical issues. That was horribly disrespectful on his part especially after having 5 draft deferments and then only admitting he was wrong when his service record was released in the media. He also married into money and wouldn't be anywhere without his wife's families financial backing(their NYC real estate portfolio includes the Empire State Building to give you a scope of the money involved). He has done some good as attorney General, but since becoming senator hasn't done much for us. He conveniently will always show up for photo ops with things he had nothing to do with though.


JHolm915 t1_izh1rgq wrote

They reduced operations a lot and the ones that are left are mostly in Middletown. Welding is limited in most the manufacturing, Pratt uses a lot of fusion welding by machine. You are probably better off in the gas industry or looking at other companies. Remember Pratt is part of Raytheon now and not in the best of shape financially.


JHolm915 t1_iydxmaz wrote

Use the app AllTrails. It's great and I use it all the time. I'm on the otherside of the state otherwise I'd have some better recommendations for you, but I doubt you want to spend 2 hours driving to a place to hike.


JHolm915 t1_iy6auix wrote

Route 7 is really nice. I make a loop from my house to route 7 up to where it meets route 63 and then take route 63 back down to home. All nice and scenic. Some areas have a little rough asphalt but the majority of it is really nice and smooth.


JHolm915 t1_ixmvuth wrote

That's because Natural Gas was seen as the best option for the environment not too long ago and then the infrastructure was not updated to support the demand. Just like what is happening with the push to electric taxing the grid even more with no real plan still to update and prepare.

Short term, premature, and hardly intelligent decision making has ruled politics for far too long right now.


JHolm915 t1_ixm37ue wrote

Watch the Naugatuck PD press release video on their website. He is described as very well known to all law enforcement. You are only going to see some info on the judicial site, it's not the same as a background check. Here's a snippet below of some of his past.

"Francisquini is well-known in the state judicial system, with five pending cases in three different courts. He’s out on bonds that total $375,000 among the five cases, according to the Judicial Branch website. The previous charges Francisquini face are serious, including carjacking, second-degree assault and third-degree robbery in West Haven; burglary in Derby and assault on a police officer by state police at Troop G in Bridgeport."


JHolm915 t1_ixkomuo wrote

Have to love the CT justice system. This guy was out on $375,000 bond with an ankle monitor and a rap sheet longer than a CVS receipt and should have still been locked up. How he had access to a baby given his past is even another mystery. I don't understand how this hasn't hit national news or how he hasn't been caught yet.

Edit: just realized the article neglected to mention that he also dismembered the baby that is his own daughter, which I think is important for the public to know and understand the danger surrounding this individual. If you go on the Naugatuck PD facebook page you can watch a press release with the information.