
JJJSchmidt_etAl t1_j6nknsl wrote

If you think that French Cinema is so bad they cannot survive without crony protectionism, then you think their movies are terrible.

I think French Cinema is perfectly good. Sorry you disagree, that doesn’t mean your opinion trumps that of every other French cinema viewer in the world. Like, say, the French.


JJJSchmidt_etAl t1_j6ies4h wrote

Why in the world would it be unfair to give your money to the person who made the movie that you want to see?

You're saying it's unfair that some people want to watch certain movies. Their tastes are "unfair.” I disagree with that view, I would suggest that tastes in art are inherently subjective and I respect your personal tastes.


JJJSchmidt_etAl t1_j6ib2d4 wrote

I love when the government decides I’m not virtuous enough with my watching/listening habits, so they feel they need to force change. Canada is notorious for having awful radio stations full of Justin Bieber, Avril Lavigne, and tons of shitty covers.

If you want to listen to African Music, or watch French Cinema, then I am not going to get offended and write letters to my representative.