JMRDALLAS t1_iujnzfp wrote

Your opinions on female/male sex appeal are flawed, and that alone should be enough for you to reevaluate your opinions and experiences. Flawed how? Well your opinions regarding appeal of the 2 sexes are in fact superficial, metaphorical, and physically. To much to explain so I'll keep it short, if you have a micro penis it'll probably go through one ear out the other.


JMRDALLAS t1_iuilfld wrote

@tickleyourfanny you suck, go dig a hole then lay down inside, wait until someone finds the shovel you left outside the hole to bury you. To the dude with the pumpkin girlfriend, if she ain't wifey material to you the don't expect loyalty from any girl, otherwise she doesn't need any male "friends". Friends my ass, more like options if current bf don't work out. The complements are very disrespectful towards you, highly inappropriate. It's common knowledge men and women can't stay friends. Usually the man will start lusting, and most women know this! The difference is that some women enjoy the thrill of flirting with infidelity. My advice, don't invest to much feeling until you study up on this behavior. Save yourself the heartache.✌🏽