
JMT391 t1_j2x8o23 wrote

With a PC you will get all the benefits of PC plus xbox titles. If you don't have/want a PC, xbox is a great console.

With a PS5 you will get all the sony exclusives, some of which are really really good and don't come to PC until later.

Switch should be looked at as exclusively hand-held for nintendo titles. If you're not a nintendo junkie and don't travel frequently I wouldn't get it, especially with the steam deck out now. The system is horribly underpowered and runs everything worse than all other systems. On a full-size screen it looks bad because of its 720/1080p max res. The app-store sales are terrible, better prices everywhere else.


So in short I'd choose PS5 or xbox (leaning towards PS5) and then the steam deck if you need portability. Switch for nintendo games.