
JStanton617 t1_j6v4tbd wrote

Same everywhere, but electrician and HVAC are going to be in huge demand for decades. We’re about to rewire the whole world (solar, EVs, general electrification of appliances) and improving indoor air quality (COVID mitigation) has just started


JStanton617 t1_j3asacj wrote

This, and same. More like 200/10000 for me, but undergrad school and even really major just don’t matter once you get a couple years experience.

Undergrad is about learning how to learn, how to prioritize, how to finish projects, and almost most importantly building a network. Do you get a better network coming out of an Ivy? Sure, but work with what you’ve got


JStanton617 t1_ivdeqmt wrote

Bottom line is, there just isn’t enough daylight to go around 4 months a year. However its allocated will still suck in some way.

Maine moving without the rest of the east coast, particularly NY, just makes TV and travel scheduling a bear, and it’ll still be dark and cold.

The other 8 months kick ass here. Just gotta tough out the winter.