
JSutt771 t1_jcllnlb wrote

The title is fine. The problem is when people base a conclusion from the title. If all the details we needed to draw factual and accurate conclusions were in the title, it wouldn't be called the title. It'd be called the article.

People need to read.


JSutt771 t1_ixxfght wrote

I've watched doctors pull entire diagnoses from webmd. I've seen a doctor get paid seven figures to spend an average of five whole minutes with each of their patients because they're too busy "researching" the issues in their office (no, that does NOT include the patients that their nurses saw without them). I watched a freaking surgeon come into the doctor's lounge, look up a youtube video on how to perform a particular surgical technique, then return to the OR.

I say again; It's a God damned travesty they get paid what they do.