
JZKallday t1_it3aryu wrote

you clearly didn't read what I had to say, im not saying i like or support products breakingdown fast, but QC doesn't look for if the product will break down the line, only what's ready to be shipped out, if it works when you send it off the line, then it's good enough. The point is the company doesn't care about you and you already bought it, people are out here setting unrealistic expectations for cheap products from companies that are less than ten years old. on their bottom end consumer line, truth is moondrops high end iems could be 3 years until death off the line, you simply don't know.

All I pointed out is that for average IEM made cheaply they are going to die faster than something else and that the QC process for such a cheap product is making sure they all make sound as the only minimum, if ya'll think that someone should individually analyze every iem they make, well none of you have ever been near a manufacturing floor, that probably doesn't even begin to happen until you hit the high end, such as with every product in life, you want something that's going to last, it is probably not going to be near the bottom end of an untested companies offerings.


JZKallday t1_it2koec wrote

Ehh it's not that I don't care about quality, I just don't expect 80 dollar iems to hold up well over time, I've had plenty of iems and they seem to break after ~2 years even with replaceable cables, I've had the same pair of senhesiers (hd598) for 9 years and they have literally been tossed off my head onto the floor. In general iems are gonna be more fragile, especially under the 100 dollar mark, they use cheaper components, that wear out faster on the low end, I had a pair of bose iems that barely lasted a year around the same price point, it sucks but it's not a qc issue, most companies know their lower tier products are going to die sooner rather than later, that's where all the money saving comes in. If I didn't care about quality I would keep buying cheap iems made of cheaper materials.


JZKallday t1_it2eink wrote

Hate to be that guy, but 80 dollar IEM's lasting for a year seems okay, they're not moondrops best, if you were having a blessing 2 or variations or s6 fail after a year I would be pissed, but 80 dollars for a year of good listening very frequently seems alright to me, I've found that in this hobby everyone has different life cycles with each product, just be thankful you didn't buy kilobuck IEM ( almost never worth it imo) and have those break after a year. For me I'd feel like I got my money's worth, it functioning for a year does not sound like a QC issue, it's sounds like they broke while you owned them, a qc issue would constitute a problem direct from factory.

(Apparently this is a hot take) moondroop probably makes the arias for like 20 dollars of material cost, they are cheapo products from china dont be surprised when they die .
