
JaKr8 t1_isukbdv wrote

Dalton or Lee are anong the best somewhat reasonably priced options in the county. South county is becoming a bit more expensive lately, Lee is starting to fall into that trend as well. Great Barrington has already become expensive.

Oh, Williamstown is pretty nice, too. Nothing like having one of the best colleges on the planet in a picturesque small town. But it's in the NW corner and far from everything. But the college has tons of cultural opportunities.

I'd take a few weekends and travel the area. So much to love out here...


JaKr8 t1_isr95wa wrote

Red Lion Inn Stockbridge. Great restaurants in Barrington, Stockbridge, Lee and Lenox. Great for casual walks and hikes of all types.

There are some world renowned spas in the Berkshires as well you could check out. These could easily push a grand/night. But after spending 2 days there you'll think it's a bargain...


JaKr8 t1_ird0vvo wrote

It depends on what kind of life style you want to have. I probably wouldn't pack up and go until I had a stable job for a while, even though jobs are fairly plentiful, Because you don't want to be stuck working somewhere you hate just to make your rent payment....

I'd do the same thing that any financial adviser recommends, an absolute minimum of 3 months, ideally 6 months of living expenses.. In this case I would include your anticipated rent in whatever location you're planning on moving to. 6 months of expenses living free at your parents house is a lot different than 6 months expenses in an apartment.....


JaKr8 t1_ircxjgt wrote

We actually split our time between 3 states, CT, Berkshire county in Massachusetts, and MN.. Winters are rough but most people there don't seem to mind. I love it there, so much to do year round. Great food, culture, and people. The North country is gorgeous, up toward Duluth. But no dispensaries, at least for now...

Our son went to a very highly regarded small LAC about 45 minutes South of the cities. My wife and I fell in love with the area and decided it would be a great place to spend time. If you're from the cities, we're near one of the places where it's not too hard to get a great view of the city once a year..edit : the one by us is not open once a year.

We lived a number of years in the South. No thank you..

"Set my compass north, I've got winter in my blood.."


JaKr8 t1_ir9o1w9 wrote

Reply to Pittsfield by artistsays

If nothing else, bring it camera and take some of the back roads in the area. If you like to drive there are options for beautiful ways to get up to Pittsfield besides taking the Pike all the way to rt7.

Do a quick search of Berkshire county and something will come up that you can do or visit...


JaKr8 t1_ir452tk wrote

Only get up that way about once a year now.. Some of the most beautiful unspoiled and uncrowded land you will find anywhere in the country. And some great driving roads in the area as well.

Spend a lot more time in SoCo Berkshire County now.


JaKr8 t1_iqkuq2d wrote

Reply to comment by Jaybone56 in Any good abandoned places? by dailydab

Had a friend who owned a condo the road leading into that ( until last year) said it's patrolled regularly and even if you were to walk your dog out that way on the road you're likely to get approached.


JaKr8 t1_iqktwhy wrote

If you're looking for something that hasn't been through the auction system ( These tend to be cars the larger dealers don't want for some reason), skip all the dealerships on rt5 between Enfield and east hartford.

But it would be helpful to know more specifically what you are looking for. And maybe a price range too...