
JackKovack t1_je93e1u wrote

I should know, I worked at a movie theater. Want to hear my movie theater horror story? So a regional group of Girl Scouts come in for special screenings late at night. I thought nothing of it until the next morning. Apparently the janitors saw the mess and said fuck this we’re leaving. I come in at 10am or so and my manager is flipping out. I think it can’t be that bad, it was. Every theater was a disaster zone including the bathrooms and men’s. I was beside myself it was so bad. Four very large theaters with popcorn and candy everywhere, literally everywhere. It was like a bomb went off filled with popcorn and candy. You know that murder orgy scene revealed in the movie Event Horizon? Image that with popcorn and candy. My manager called people in early. The first showings were at 12pm. We had very little time to clean everything. I couldn’t believe Girl Scouts could be so destructive. I’ve cleaned theaters a lot and 2nd place worse doesn’t compare to what I saw and experienced. When we we’re finished I was so exhausted I didn’t want to work the rest of the day but I had to. Oh my god Girl Scouts why?