
JackSteele33 t1_jefgzrt wrote

It’s a moot point really…. You won’t find a doctor that will do an abortion after 24 weeks for non medical reasons anyways.

That’s pretty much been the industry standard forever. But it still makes peoples brains explode when they ban late term abortions.

Late term abortions for non medical reasons are not a thing and never have been.


JackSteele33 t1_j7q4v48 wrote

I know $35 a slice sounds cheap but we’re talking about a product that’s actually easier to grow than tomatoes. It can come down a lot more and still be profitable.

Meanwhile the private dispensary’s you love so much are gouging us cause we’re used to paying more when it was illegal.

It is just a plant in the end.


JackSteele33 t1_j7p29pb wrote

They won’t pass it until it’s taken off the schedule 1 list and the banking issue is resolved.

Then they’ll sell it thru the state liquor stores and then undercut the surrounding states just like they do now with liquor and get everyone to cross state lines to buy it here.

It’s more of a long time strategy as we all know federal legalization is inevitable. If they let private dispensary’s in now, they’ll be harder to kick out later.


JackSteele33 t1_j601z2u wrote

Reply to What a tool by Matty_Bee63

They’re waiting for the federal government to legalize it.

There’s a plan in place already to sell it at the state liquor stores but they can’t until the banking issue is resolved.