
Jack_Shaftoe21 t1_ja80lx5 wrote

Unless we are talking about a mystery where if you don't read the ending, the entire book/series is basically a waste of time, I personally don't worry much if a series is going to be finished. As long as I enjoy the individual volumes, I can easily live without the grand finale. Especially when it comes to extremely long fantasy series where those series that I have finished pretty much always ran out of steam before the ending and limped across the finish line.

And, as mentioned, the vast majority of series do get finished. If you want to be absolutely certain you will get the ending, sure, you should wait until it comes out but the possibility of this never happening isn't anything new.


Jack_Shaftoe21 t1_j9yh1q9 wrote

>What writer who doesn't read tell classic stories that stand the test of time?

Homer. Next question?

And yeah, Asimov's writing style is not very good, to put it mildly but it's absolutely delusional that a book like that would certainly be rejected today. The likes of Brandon Sanderson, Dan Brown and E. L. James sell tens of millions of books.